Responding to Corrective Action Requests (CARs)

Property development service providers may need to prepare when the DCMA conducts an audit. If a DCMA property audit uncovers CARs, some public property management agencies can help you deal with them clearly. To respond correctly and quickly to CARs, we may contact the audit agency at your request.

Termination of contracts and disposal of assets

What should you do when a contract ends, and you are left with federal or state property? We can help you ensure that Government assets are disposed of correctly during the contract closing procedure. Public property management agencies can directly collaborate with plant liquidation officials and deal with closure-related difficulties.

Equipment management and loss of public property

Depending on the circumstances and the terms of the agreement, the contractor may be held liable for deficiencies, loss, or damage to State property if it unreasonably exceeds the limitations stated in the contract, the bill of materials, or other suitable criteria of the specific case.

Any loss, damage, or destruction of State property under the supervision of the contractor or its Administration must be investigated and reported to the property manager. A report must also be submitted when approved finished products or items are lost, damaged, or destroyed while under the contractor’s control.

The contractor must instruct any of its subcontractors in charge or possession of Government property to investigate and report any incident of loss, damage, or destruction of such property.

Public property management system

Public property management system service providers can help contractors create and implement compliant methods for public property management. Our professionals have extensive experience in public property systems and audits.

Poor management of public property can have severe repercussions for contractors. Our group includes DCMA auditors and former public property managers who can help you ensure that your property system meets contractual obligations.

Before implementing any changes, the contractor must notify the Property Manager of any significant changes to its property management system.

For the purposes of performing this contract, the contractor may (except where prohibited by law or regulation) use customary business practices, voluntary consensus standards, or industry-leading practices and standards that ensure the effective and efficient management of the government’s assets.

It is essential to automate property management tasks. This is done by using tools or procedures that decrease manual work and adopting technology to do the work for you, which is considered property management automation.

Do you need an approved public property management system?

If FAR 52.245-1 is included in your contracts, you need a system that meets the criteria of the clause, although no particular software, system, or permit is necessary.

To manage public properties in your possession, the contractor must have a system of internal controls. The system must be sufficient to meet the criteria of this clause. To effectively and efficiently control public properties, the contractor must establish and maintain systems, processes, records, procedures and methodologies.

As with any system, system verification, training and updating processes, controls, reporting and testing are more critical than software or hardware.

There are specific standards for receiving, labelling and inventory, although, as mentioned, standard business or industrial processes can be applied. Brag about your abilities, be severe, and provide proof of your claims.

Key points

Coordinating planning, front desk, sales, guest management, sales and reporting tasks are more accessible with public property management systems.

Centralizing the status of all hotel properties allows owners to manage front office operations, pricing and promotions, and customer loyalty data.

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